Growth Finacial Corp.
Growth Financial Corp. clients have entrusted us with their personal information. The company has a long history of providing great service to its clients, treating all clients with respect and dignity, and protecting their privacy. If we provide you with products and services, we will do all we can to protect your personal information.
Commitment to its Clients
Protect the confidentiality of your personal information
Keep you informed about our privacy policies and practices
Let you see your personal information
Growth Financial Corp. will not collect, use or disclose your information without your consent, unless required or authorized by law.
Privacy Policies
Growth Financial Corp. has Privacy Policies that explain more fully how and why the Agency collects, uses, and discloses your personal information. This information is available to you. Please contact Growth Financial Corps. Privacy Officer.
Statement of Purpose
Growth Financial Corp. will collect, use, and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:
To provide and administer the insurance and investment products and services that you request, including:
Providing information to third party suppliers of products and services
Offering and providing insurance and investment related products and services to you
Establishing and maintaining communications with you
Verifying your identity and the accuracy of your personal information
Confirming your application and information, and assessing your eligibility and suitability for insurance and investment products and services
Determining and facilitating your payment of fees and premiums, including collection of debts owed to Growth Financial Corp.
Protecting you, Growth Financial Corp, or other persons from fraud and error, such as identity theft
Identifying you and making sure your records are kept separate from others; and verifying information provided by third parties
Complying with the law and regulatory requirements
Understanding your needs and determining the suitability of products and services for you.
Assisting you and ensuring the proper handling and administration of your insurance claims
Managing or transferring assets or liabilities of Growth Financial Corp. such as in the case of acquisitions and mergers
Growth Financial Corp. may disclose your information to:
Associations in connection with providing and administering insurance and investment services that you request
Lawyers, notaries public, managing general agencies and/or any other enterprise as may be reasonably required for the purposes already stated
Bailiffs, collection agencies, lawyers and others when collecting a debt owed to Growth Financial Corp. enforcing an agreement between you and Growth Financial Corp. and insuring or otherwise protecting the Companies interests.
Authorities as required or authorized by law
If you have a joint policy/account with Growth Financial Corp. your personal information including information in connection with products and services provided to you individually under the same number as the joint policy/account, may be disclosed to all joint tenants of the joint policy/account
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Growth Financial Corp. collect information about me?
Growth Financial Corp. collects personal information from you directly when you apply for insurance. Some personal information is required by law to ascertain identity. With your consent, Growth Financial Corp. may also collect information from credit reporting agencies, references provided by you. Your consent can be express or implied.
Can I decline to have my personal information collected, used, or disclosed for certain purposes?
Yes, you can decline to have your personal information collected, used or disclosed for certain purposes. For example, you can opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes such as:
Receiving information from Growth Financial Corp. about products and services or special promotions
Sharing information with organizations for the purpose of providing you with information about products or services
To choose these options, please contact our Privacy Officer and ask for an opt-out request form
You can also decline to have your personal information collected, used, or disclosed for other purposes. This may mean that Growth Financial Corp. will not be able to provide you with products and services requested.
What will happen if I opt out of marketing purposes?
If you opt out of receiving marketing information from Growth Financial Corp., you may no longer receive information about new products or special promotions including activities and events. Growth Financial Corp. will continue to send you account information, policies, and information required by law. Your request to opt out of receiving marketing information will not affect your eligibility for any products or services.
How does Growth Financial Corp. protect my personal information?
Growth Financial Corp. staff members are required to treat all personal and financial information confidentially. Growth Financial Corp. has many policies, practices, and physical and electronic systems in place to safeguard personal information under Growth Financial Corp. control; and to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, or disposal of your personal information.
What can I do to protect my personal information?
It is your personal responsibility to protect information misuse. You should safeguard your insurance and investment documents that carry account numbers, and personal identification at all times. You should not send confidential information to Growth Financial Corp. or anyone else by using internet email that is not encrypted. You should review your account information carefully and let us know immediately if your address changes or you find any errors in your information.
Can I view or verify my personal information?
Growth Financial Corp. has always provided policies or copies of policies or other documents upon request, if we still have them. The carriers may charge a fee for providing copies of documents.
For more extensive information, you can complete an access to information request. You will be provided with an estimate for the fee for obtaining the information. For information and assistance, please contact Growth Financial Corp. Privacy Officer. We’ll respond within 30 days or if we need an extension of time, we’ll notify you of the new deadline and the reason for the extension.
If you ask, we will assist you to contact other organizations to whom we have disclosed your information.
By law, Growth Financial Corp. must not provide or may withhold some types of information. For example, Growth Financial Corp. will not provide; information that reveals the identity of another individual or that individual’s personal information, without that individual’s consent; information that cannot be disclosed for legal or security reasons; information that is confidential commercial information.
If there are any errors in your information, we will correct the information, wherever possible.
If you wish to verify your credit history, please contact the credit bureau directly. We will help you to contact the credit bureau.
How long does Growth Financial Corp. keep my information?
Growth Financial Corp. keeps your personal information as long as it is needed to provide you with products and services you have applied for, and to meet legal and business requirements, after which the information is destroyed or erased, or we remove your name from the information.
Growth Financial Corp. may use personal information collected in the past when you apply for new products and services, in which case, Growth Financial Corp. confirms or updates your information for marketing purposes such as sending you information about products and services that may be of interest to you, unless you have opted out of receiving marketing information.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Growth Financial Corp. Privacy Officer.
For the Castlegar and Creston branches contact: Sean Gain
Growth Financial Corp , #100 – 630 – 17th Street, Castlegar BC V1N 4G7 Phone:250-365-0095.
Our Privacy Officer will answer your questions about privacy and provide you, if you ask, with information about Growth Financial Corp. Privacy Policies and Practices and how we respond to complaints. The Privacy Officer can also help you complete and access information requests, help you access or correct your personal information, and try to resolve any concerns or complaints about privacy to the satisfaction of you and Growth Financial Corp.